Step 2: Double click the disk image Moodle4Mac.dmg to mount the installation disk. You will find various image files for the different Moodle versions. Step 1: Download the disk image Moodle4Mac.dmg from Moodle packages for Mac OS X. + Processor: Intel x86_64 (i5, i7, Xeon, Core 2 Duo) + iMac, Mac mini, MacBook, MacBook Air, Mac Pro System requirements + Apple OS X Computer
It is only intended for installation on a local computer to test and develop, as it is not optimized for security. Note: Moodle4Mac is NOT intended to be used for a production server on the Internet.

Moodle4Mac packages also include a special Git update script, enabling you to easily update your Moodle site without needing to download the whole package again and without reinstalling all your courses. However, please remember that a developer version is not yet a finished product, and thus may contain errors. You can also install the latest Moodle development version to find everything about upcoming opportunities and changes. Please check which Moodle your institution (school, college, university, company) uses on its server so that you can swap your materials between the two platforms easily. Packages are available for different Moodle versions. MAMP contains everything that is necessary for the operation of Moodle - the Apache web server, MySQL database and PHP scripting language. Moodle4Mac is based on the software MAMP.

Moodle4Mac is available from Moodle packages for Mac OS X. The complete install packages for Mac OS X are named Moodle4Mac and allow a very easy way to install Moodle on your Mac computer (laptop, desktop or test server).